Life is fluid, and can throw unexpected curve balls that are challenging to adjust to for adults as well as children. My goal is to support and strengthen the bond between you and your child, to not only support short term changes in behavior, but also the long term patterns that will positively affect your relationship throughout your lives.
Instead of providing therapy in an office, I come to your home. I find this method to be beneficial because it allows me to see you in your most comfortable environment. I can also observe familial interactions and patterns of behavior that are not often present in an office setting.
Clinical Supervision
I'm trained in Reflective Practice, meaning that my style is one of mutual collaboration and joint discovery. I believe supervision is a non-judgmental, collaborative, protected time and space to address feelings in response to clients and families. As part of the parallel process, my hope is that our relationship embodies the values of empathy, humility, and curiosity, cultivating your awareness of emotional states of family members and increasing your capacity to respond in supportive ways.
Consultation and Training
I have experience providing IECMH Consultation services to Head Starts, Early Education Centers, and elementary schools. Participants have learned about the foundations of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health in order to become more trauma-informed, and able to provide developmentally appropriate services to their students and families.
My Approach
Dyadic therapy specifically means a caregiver and a child together. Children learn, grow, and change through relationships with their primary caregiver, especially within the first five years of life. By utilizing play and art therapy, I am able to help you to strengthen and enhance your relationship with your child in order to alleviate concerns that you may have as a parent.
Family therapy can help navigate your relationships in a way that feels non-threatening, supportive, and at your pace. Anyone that you consider to be your family can participate either birth family or family of choice. Taking the time to explore the intergenerational experiences of our families of origin and how that impacts our parenting and our own children allows for us to reflect on what we would like to do differently, in order to practice being a more intentional and present parent.